Monday, July 14, 2008

First coat primer inside

Brock Larson, my Dad, and I spent the day priming the entire house.

The first coat of primer went up on Saturday. We spent most of the morning taping and masking off fireplaces, windows, and can lights. Using a paint spray machine, my Dad sprayed a good quality, half tinted primer (HC-81 Manchester Tan, 284-00 White Primer), which Brock and I back rolled with low nap rollers.

The first floor (below) went fast. However, the paint was being used faster than expected, and it took me over an hour and a half to get 10 more gallons. Nowhere on the Seattle side did a Benjamin Moore have the same high quality primer, so we had to settle for a contractor grade primer. Lesson of the story. Make sure you have enough primer for the job, and call ahead of time before you go on a wild goose chase around the city looking for paint.

The second floor, once I returned, finished up quickly. Both floors ended up with a clean, smooth, almost blemish free finish.

The paint sprayer finally died on the basement floor. We had to finish rolling and cutting in with a brush. Not the best way to end the day.

Overall, a long 12 hour day.

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