Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Decks complete and how to protect new cement

It actually snowed in Seattle. And it is cold, around 15 F at night and 32 F during the day. It is suppose to be this way for a week, at least.

With that in mind, it was necessary to protect the recently poured cement, still curing, from contraction cracking.

Basically we just took off the tarps.....

And put about 4 inches of hay over the cement, and covered it up again with the same tarps.

The garage step into the basement was also poured a few days ago.

And the decking front and back were completed, to a satisfactory quality. Below is the back porch.

The next few pictures are the front porch, the stairs down, and the base plates for the railings being installed.

The baseboards are filled, caulked, and sanded inside, and ready to be painted. Closet packages are being installed tomorrow.

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